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Other Great Games and Notes from E3

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Aside from the stunning Gears of War which EASILY was Best of Show ... there were tons of other games that looked and played amazing. Here's a list of what I think are the runner ups.

HALO 3 - Although only in video form, this is going to be the bad boy of 2007. I can't wait and am super pumped about the possibilites of this game. This is the final Halo in the trilogy, and the game engine looks SO powerful. Gears of War is must-have 2006, Halo is must have 2007. These two are system sellers.

RAINBOX 6 VEGAS - This excited me, because I love the Xbox Rainbow 6 titles. I like the location, the screenshots have been great and to see the guys play it in real-time was cool. They played a level rescuing hostages in a casino, then saw there was a bomb in another building across the street. The other building blew up, then the shockwave came across and blew out all the windows. And the chopper scenes flying over Vegas looked GREAT.

MEDAL OF HONOR AIRBORNE - EA had a killer half-acre booth at E3 and this was the best trailer. It was definitely pre-rendered, so its hard to know what to expect. Very ppwerful looking. We'll have to see.

HAZE - My only wish on this was that I hadn't seen Gears of War right before I saw this demonstration. The presentation was pretty innovative, and the game looked good. Probably the 360's Pariah, but still looks interesting to me.

PREY - Almost forgot about this one - probably because it's coming out so soon. This title looks a bit creepy, but VERY cool. I love shooting through portals and the designs look great. Hopefully this will tide me over until the Fall.

BATTLEFIELD 2142 - This was running on the PCs at the event, but I want to play this game. Is it coming to the 360? Not sure, but it looked like a great title. Everything we love about the 1942 original game, but updated into something futuristic. Very cool.

What about F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Street Fighter Arcade, Lego Star Wars 2, Indiana Jones and Fable 2? I just didn't get enough time with them but they all look/sound great, too. So much to see, so little time.

All in all, a fantastic afternoon at E3 and a great time hanging with Jake.


posted by Unknown @ 12:08 AM |

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