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Davinci Does 77M at the Box Office

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Davinci got $10 of my hard-earned money this weekend.

OK, it was actually McGill's $10 since I took at Minister of the Day (MoD) shift for him on Friday and he paid me back with a movie Friday night. Davinci raked in almost 225M worldwide in it's first weekend of release. Not bad for a film that completely bombed in my opinion.

Someone there said, "I couldn't put the book down" which is great, but I can't put this movie down enough either. Not good.

I think I'm still excited to talk about it in church this weekend, but then I'm past it for sure. I might read Josh McDowell's new book we gave away this weekend to HSM students, but I'm not nearly as hooked as I anticipated.


posted by Unknown @ 3:26 PM |

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At 5/21/2006, Blogger Todd said...

Thanks for the unofficial review Josh. I will save my $10 and wait for it to come out on video. Sounds like the book may have been better. Nice Blog!


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