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Pretty exciting news today!

While Andy and I were in North Carolia a few weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with an idea. Funny how those things happen, I think I was more than a bit dellusional, but managed to type the thought into my computer so I had it the next morning.

The last page of Sports Illustrated typically has a great sendoff piece featuring Rick Reilly or somebody with a fun sense of humor writing about sports. I remember several of these pieces in particular a recent one about the World Cup and how America doesn't really have an ounce of true sportsmanship (bar songs, whistling, fist fights, colored scarves) compared to the rest of the world. My thought was - why doesn't GROUP have a column like this? I thought it would be so fun to laugh together at the youth ministry journey and our calling. And maybe I could even write it? Now THAT's a dream, people.

So the next day I shot off an email to GROUP pitching the idea with my mock-up article attached. It was called 5 Responses to the Question: So, what do you do all day? They liked it! The plan is that my random humor articles will show up periodically in the magazine as a sidebar humor bit. Wow!


posted by Unknown @ 1:35 PM |

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At 8/28/2006, Blogger Lyndale Holloway said...

Congrats to that. Great idea, I'm looking forward to reading it.


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